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Service Hub provides you with a very flexible search, it can be used to search for tickets persons, groups, organizations, tasks and appointments.


Note: It can take a few minutes to index new and modified records. If they don't appear in your search results, wait a few minutes and try again.

You can search by clicking the magnifying glass, located in the top right, after which the search bar will be displayed. You can enter a query in the newly opened search field and submit the query by pressing enter. The results, if there are any, will be displayed in a grid located directly below the search bar.

Underneath the search bar you will see a number which displays the number of records found. It will search through all available topics and the icon displayed will give an indication on what kind of record has been returned. In the table below you can find an overview on how the various topics will be displayed and what fields they will display.

First it will display an icon which will show you what type of record has been found, in the table below you can see a summary of the various topics. It will display additional information and in the third section it will display the status of the found record. The last part contains information regarding the related person.

Topic Result icon Displayed Fields Indicator
Organization Organization Icon organization name, relation type, account number Active/Inactive
Group Group Icon group name and relation number Active/Inactive
Person Person Icon person name, relation number and email address Active/Inactive
Ticket Ticket Icon ticket type, ticket number and subject Current status
Appointment Appointment Icon appointment number, subject, category Current status
Task Task Icon appointment number, subject, category Current status

You can either search for a phrase or a specific word however you can also give additional criteria. You can specify what fields should contain specific criteria. Here you can see an overview of the fields you can use to use advanced search options.


Field Name Data Type
Account_number Numeric
Active Boolean
Alert Text
Notes Text
OrganizationName Text
Relation_number Numeric
_type Organizations


Field Name Data Type
Active Boolean
Alert Text
Contact_full_name Text
Full_name Text
GroupName Text
Notes Text
OrganizationName Text
ParentGroupName Text
Relation_number Numeric
_type Groups


Field Name Data Type
Active Boolean
Alert Text
Contact_full_name Text
Email Text
Full_name Text
GroupName Text
Notes Text
OrganizationName Text
PersonName Text
Relation_number Text
Username Text
_type Persons


Field Name Data Type
CloseDate Date
Context Text
Customer_reference Text
Events N/A
Notes Text
Summary Text
GroupName Text
Number Numeric
OrganizationName Text
PersonName Text
Status Text
Summary Text
Supplier_reference Numeric
Ticket_type Text
Title Text
_type Tickets


Field Name Data Type
ActivityType Text
CloseDate Date
EndDate Date
GroupName Text
Notes Text
Number Numeric
OrganizationName Text
PersonName Text
StartDate Date
Status Text
Subject Text
_type Appointments


Field Name Data Type
ActivityType Text
CloseDate Date
EndDate Date
GroupName Text
Notes Text
Number Numeric
OrganizationName Text
PersonName Text
StartDate Date
Status Text
Subject Text
Type Text
_type Tasks

_type data type

You may notice that in _type we do not specify the type of data expected but the topic name you need to use in order to narrow down your search to only that topic. For example _type:Organizations will only search through organizations. Please take into account that the query is case-sensitive.


The operators you can use in the fields mentioned before are as follows.

Operator Name Description Example
: Use the colon to indicate the value you are looking for. Summary:Solution
:< Less than. CloseDate:<2017-01-01
> Greater than. CloseDate:>2017-01-01
<= Less than or equal to. StartDate:<=2017-01-01
>= Greater than or equal to. StartDate:>=2017-01-01
[ TO ] Specify a date range. StartDate:[2017-01-01 TO 2017-07-07]
" " Use double quotes to search for the exact phrase. Summary:"Somebody stole my mouse"
- Adding a minus sign to your search will make sure that word or value will be excluded from your search. Status:Closed -Summary:Request
* Wildcards can be used to search for various combinations. For example searching for fix* will also search for the word fixed. Summary:fix*
? Wildcards can be used to search for various combinations. For example searching for f?x will search for the word fix and fox. Summary:f?x
AND The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. "Service" AND "Hub"
OR The OR operator matches documents where on of the terms exist in the text of a single document. "Service" OR "Hub"
NOT The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT. "Fixed" NOT "broken"

Can't find what you're looking for, or was the documentation unclear? Please send us a message and help us improve our documentation.