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Ticket fields

This page provides an overview of all fields available on ticket detail pages.

Property cards

Ticket properties

Field name remarks
Ticket type -
Subject -
Status -
Priority -
Category -
Queue -
Assignee -
Date due -
Date created -

Requester properties

Field name remarks
Person This property is displayed as a hyperlink to allow you to easily navigate to the person details to look into their file.
Group This property is displayed as a hyperlink to allow you to easily navigate to the group details to look into the history.
Organization This property is displayed as a hyperlink to allow you to easily navigate to the organization details to look into the history.
Primary phone -
Mobile phone -
Email -
Address -


On tickets of type Problem, the requester details may be empty. Problem rows can be created without a specific requester in case it is a more generic problem that affects more than one contact.

Service & Asset properties

Field name remarks
Product -
Serial number -
Asset number -

SLA properties

Field name remarks
SLA Number -
Priority -

Time line cards

Event rows

Field name remarks
Date created The date is used to group rows. Therefore the date is displayed outside the cards. The time is displayed within the individual cards.
Event type -
Publicly visible Events rows with a small earth icon in the top right are marked as publicly visilbe. Events row without the icon are marked as internal events/notes.
Extra time used -
Created by -
Subject -
Notes -
Attachments -

Activity rows

Field name remarks
Start date Scheduled start date. The date is used to group rows. Therefore the date is displayed outside the cards. The time is displayed within the individual cards.
Activity type -
Type -
Owner This can be either a queue or a user
Subject -
Status -
Duration Scheduled duration.
Notes -

Unplanned data grid

Field name remarks
Activity type -
Number -
Status -
Summary -
Owner -
Type -

Attachment data grid

Field name remarks
File name -
Size -
Type -
Summary -
Added by -
Date modified -
Modified by -

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