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Release notes - v1.1.2743

Published by: Ilko van der Velden
Published on: March 1, 2019 09:26


You will now be able to, not only update ticket events, but also add and update tickets. The create new ticket wizard will be displayed on the bottom right in the tickets list and contacts. By pressing the green plus sign and the create new ticket icon the create new ticket wizard will be openend.

Create New Ticket Wizard

The following fields will be available for you to use when going through the create new ticket wizard.

Step 1 - General Ticket Information

Field name remarks
Contact Autocomplete functionality added which automatically looks for avaiable contacts
Subject When entering a subject it will automatically look for available support call templates which might be available to you.
Type The ticket type (Incident, Service Request, RFC or Problem).
Notes The notes of the ticket.
Attachments You can add attachments by dropping files here or clicking in the attachments section and select the files you wish to upload.

Step 2 - Handling, Status and Classification

Field name remarks
Assignee Autocomplete which will look through available application users or queues which will be working on the ticket.
Owner Autocomplete which will look through available application users or departments which will be responsible for the ticket.
Status The ticket status.
On Hold and reason You will be able to set a ticket on hold plus giving the reason why it is on hold.
Category Here you can set the category of the related ticket.
Closure Category Here you can set the closure category of the related ticket.

Step 3 - Service and Asset Information

Field name remarks
Asset number Autocompletes any assetnumber you type.
Serial number Serialnumber is not autocomplete yet but will be in the next update
Product Autocomplete for Products.
Version A drop down menu with available versions for the related product.
Impact A drop down for Impact.
Urgency A drop down for Urgency.
Priority The combination of Impact and Urgency will automatically determine the priority, you will also be able to manually set it priority.
Priority Read only - this will display the contracts priority.
Contract Read only - this will display the contract number.

Updating Ticket

When opening a ticket or creating a new and saving a ticket you will be able to edit the fields of the ticket. Not all fields are available yet, they will come in a future update.

Updating Event

By clicking the View Details on an event in the timeline you will be able to edit the ticket events.


Please take into account that when you are using data limitations for Clientele ITSM and the Portal that you will not be able to log into Service Hub.


As this update is effective immediately you do not need to restart your device or reload the page. In case you experience any problems feel free to contact us.